Welcome to the OPHELIA project!


OPHELIA project aims at developing innovative systems based on diamond detectors coupled to a tailored front-end/readout electronics, for the dosimetry of MeV electrons used in the emerging FLASH radiotherapy. The proposed system will allow for the real-time monitoring of the high energy electron pulses generated by a FLASH apparatus, making OPHELIA a pioneer project in developing reliable dosimeters meeting the extremely challenge requirements of time-resolved detection in FLASH radiotherapy.

OPHELIA is financed by: MUR PRIN 2022 PNRR, project code no. P2022NBJME

Brief description

The team

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Our team

OPHELIA was born by bringing together the efforts of three groups that are complementary and intersecting in their research activities:

— The Engineering Department, Niccolò Cusano University of Rome;
— The Industrial, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering Department (DIIEM) of Roma Tre University;
— The Institute of Structure of Matter (ISM) of the Italian National Research Council.

STEFAno salvatori

The PI, Stefano Salvatori, is with the ‘Engineering Department of Niccolò Cusano’ University. He will coordinate the project, as well as oversee the design and testing of the fabricated dosimeters.

maria cristina rossi

The associated PI, Maria Cristina Rossi, is with the Industrial, Electronic, and Mechanical Engineering Department of Roma Tre University. She will be responsible for the design and testing of fabricated devices.

marco girolami

The associated PI, Marco Girolami, is with the Institute of Structure of Matter (ISM) of CNR, Montelibretti. He will be responsible for the design and manufacturing of devices, particularly focusing on 3D contact detectors.

sara pettinato

As a Post-Doc researcher, Sara Pettinato will be responsible for the characterization of diamond devices in both the lab and the relevant environment, as well as the design and test of the front-end electronics.